
Welcome to Recovery Resources – a collection of resources to support recovery from disordered eating.


Throughout my recovery journey, I was told time and again that the programs, supports, and resources I needed just didn’t exist. Over time, with my case manager and treating teams, I began to develop the tools and resources I needed to support my recovery. Positive feedback and effective integration of the tools prompted the thought that perhaps the documents I was creating could be beneficial in supporting others, supporting you, in your recovery journey also. I began to modify the documents, removing some of the personal applications to ensure they were more generic and applicable across the continuum of disordered eating behaviours and thoughts. The resources I developed and utilised were combined to form the Recovery Resources Package (for more information on the contents or to purchase the package, click here). After hearing from many people about how much the package was encouraging and supporting them to move forward, I decided to make some of these resources more readily accessible…hence the creation of this website. I will no doubt continue to add to and modify both the package and the website as I walk the path of recovery.

My intention is not to exclude males, however I can only write from my personal perspective which is that of a female and this is therefore reflected in the language, content and design of the website and package. I do however recognise that eating issues can affect people of any gender and emerging statistics indicate that an increasing number of males are affected by eating disorders. There is a tremendous need for resources to support males in recovery, and if you are a male, I encourage you to begin to compile some resources for other men, as I have done here for women.  In the meantime, there are some websites listed for ‘Men with Eating Disorders‘ in the ‘Online Supports‘ section of ‘Get Help.

Whether you are just starting out or have been on this road for quite some time, I trust that these resources will support and encourage you in your journey.

xx Sarah-Louise