Recovery is….

A collection of humorous, reflective, and personally experienced ‘Recovery is’ quotes from your recovery sisters

Recovery Is…

♥ supervising my daughter IN the pool, not just sitting on the edge.
♥ no longer living a life centred around fear management.
♥ feeling compassion for myself when I am tired or ill and letting myself rest instead of forcing myself to exercise.
♥ enjoying a meal in a fast food restaurant with a friend.
♥ arriving at the shops and realising I’ve walked outside the house with shorts on because its summer and I am totally ok with that.
♥ playing backyard cricket with my family and not counting the score.
♥ forgetting I have ice-cream in my freezer.
♥ forgetting to stare at my reflection in every shop window with dismay and when accidentally catching sight of myself, not hating it.
♥ having a shower with the lights on.
♥ the courage to grow, to change, to make mistakes.
♥ looking forward to Christmas, Easter, etc.
♥ actually WANTING to have sex with my husband.
♥ liking what I create and feeling pride in my accomplishments.
♥ being able to have a full fridge and cupboard without fear.
♥ believing there is a better way and that I do deserve and can experience it.
♥ seeing the size on my shirt and not being disgusted.
♥ being able to laugh at the insanity of some of the ED behaviours I have engaged in.
♥ enjoying a wine and cheese night with my girlfriends.
♥ allowing myself to affect and be affected by life as it unfolds.
♥ high-fiving myself for all the little victories and steps I take.
♥ being able to go to a pub to watch a sporting match the “normal” way (i.e. while eating pizza and drinking beer).
♥ being able to drive myself when I need to get somewhere without having to think about it.
♥ accepting a friends offer to try her lovely homemade baking.
♥ no longer being ashamed of my needs but understanding that they lead to genuine and meaningful relationships with others.
♥ recognising that scales are for Lady Justice, not determining my worth.
♥ seeing something in the supermarket and wondering how it tastes, then buying it to try without reading the packet.
♥ utilising measuring tapes for marking how tall my daughter is on the inside of her wardrobe door or working out whether a piece of antique furniture will fit in my lounge room, not for measuring me.
♥ seeing a whole world outside of my thoughts and wanting to join it.
♥ buying a chocolate at the checkout without shame.
♥ learning to express my life in its full colour and no longer painting it over in black and white.
♥ enjoying a spontaneous evening with a friend that starts out as a coffee then turns into dinner at a lovely cafe.
♥ wearing clothes because I like the colour or because they’re pretty.
♥ only having a padlock on my fridge if I was in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere to stop the possums getting in.
♥ no longer being afraid of myself or others.
♥ having a dream about a magical cat that morphed into several other creatures before being chased down by angry knights on horses shouting ‘treason!!!’, instead of my dreams being pervaded by eating disordered thoughts and anxieties.
♥ feeling hungry when out, then responding by buying something to eat.
♥ walking down the street and realising that people are not recoiling from the sight of me or staring wide eyed at my abnormal appearance.
♥ being able to laugh at ED when it says really ridiculous things and loving myself for knowing better.
♥ respecting other people’s choice to like me or even love me haha.
♥ seeing my blood pressure, obs, and blood tests improve and being happy about it.
♥ trying on clothes and not judging my body by how it does or does not fit into them, but recognising and accepting that different styles and makes of clothes will suit my shape more than others…and that’s ok!
♥ enjoying a walk along the beach without scrutinising and comparing the depth of imprint or depression that my feet leave in the sand.
♥ eating with family or friends without being embarrassed and ashamed if I finish my food or drink before them.
♥ enjoying the sunshine and a walk alongside a friend without judging, comparing, and being concerned over whether my shadow is larger/wider than theirs.
♥ being able to eat meals at flexible times without freaking out because it is 15mins earlier or later than my scheduled allotted time.
♥ not carrying my own set of cutlery around with me everywhere and being able to use different cutlery without anxiety.
♥ showing off my engagement ring without being self-conscious about how chubby I believe my fingers to be.
♥ navigating periods of time where I am physically unwell, but bouncing back without resorting to ED behaviours.
♥ identifying and then ensuring my needs are met (for sleep, connection, food, water, meaning, comfort, etc).

Thank you to all those who have contributed to the Recovery Is quotes…
