Australia and New Zealand

Australia NZBelow I have compiled a list of organisations, websites, and services that support those recovering from disordered eating and/or their families and friends. However, I recommend you access the National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC), which provides a comprehensive directory of eating disorder treatment services and supports available within Australia. They include inpatient programs, outpatient programs, day programs, community treatment and community support options. Eating disorder treatment services can be searched for by location, so that you may find help that is closest to you. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can contact the community-based eating disorders organisation in your state and they will be able to guide you in the right direction.

NationalNational Services

Eating Disorders Helpline 1300 550 236
Butterfly Foundation National Helpline
1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673) or email the helpline or use webchat (open 8am – midnight AEST, seven days a week)
13 11 14
Emergency Services
1800 7865 329Links you through to 6 different crisis support or mental health information lines: Lifeline; Suicide Call Back Service; MensLine Australia; SANE Australia Helpline; Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800); beyondblue Info Line.
 ANZAED (Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders) (02) 8007 6875 or 0491 134 289 (Aust), (+64) 9 887 0552 (NZ)[email protected]


Community Organisations

 EDQ (Eating Disorders Queensland)
The Eating Issues Centre (TEIC) and Eating Disorders Association (EDA) in Brisbane, merged on 5 October 2018. This created the largest community service in Queensland offering support and treatment for individuals living with and recovering from an eating disorder, their Carers and loved ones. The new entity, Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ), is a state-wide not-for-profit organisation funded by Queensland Health. EDQ provides integrated eating disorder support services to Qld individuals and families living with and recovering from an eating disorder, their carers and loved ones.  They provide: Individual Counselling, Peer Mentor Program, Carers and Loved Ones, Community Table, Lived Experience, and Group Therapy

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (07) 3844 6055
Address: 89 Sherwood Road, Toowong Qld 4066

 CFIH (Centre for Integrative Health)
CFIH is a multidisciplinary clinic dedicated to eating, weight, and body image concerns.  They aim to help people overcome their struggles with eating, weight, and body image to improve their overall physical and emotional health.  They have a caring team of practitioners including dietitians and psychologists and offer individual therapy, group programs, workshops, and movement classes.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (07) 3161 0845
Fax: (07) 3172 5851
Address: 169 Kelvin Grove Rd, Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059 (Brisbane) and
4a/8 Point Cartwright Drive, Buddina, Sunshine Coast, QLD 4575 (Sunshine Coast)

endED hosts fortnightly family/carer and recovery focused support groups led by people with lived experience.  They provide peer support, mentoring and coaching to individuals living with an eating disorder and assist them in the personal journey to normalised eating and the return to healthy living.  They are also in the process of building the endED Butterfly House, which will be a not-for-profit facility that offers a safe haven for people suffering from an eating disorder to begin their journey to a recovered self. Providing residential treatment options, out-patient services and day programs for continuation of care, endED Butterfly House will be the first of its kind in Australia focusing primarily on teaching individuals “how” to recover.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0407 592 932
Address: 228 Old Gympie Rd, Mooloolah Valley, QLD 4553

Queensland Over eaters Anonymous
(07) 3030 3619


Public Hospital Services

QuEDS (Queensland Eating Disorder Service)
The Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS), formerly known as the Eating Disorder Outreach Service (EDOS), provides assessment, care and treatment for people and their families affected by eating disorders. They also provide advice, support, training and education for health professionals.  They offer an outpatient treatment service for those over the age of 18, and a day program which is an intensive program held for 4 days a week for 8 weeks (for 16 years and older).  You need a referral from your GP to access these services.
[email protected]
Phone: (07) 3114 0809
Fax: (07) 3100 7555
2 Finney Road, Indooroopilly QLD 4068

Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Eating Disorders Service
~contact QuEDS at the above number~
Eating Disorders Adult Service (Gold Coast)
Ashmore: (07) 5667 2000
Palm Beach: (07) 5525 5661
QUT Eating Disorder Clinic
(07) 3138 9777

Private Hospital Services

New Farm Clinic
(07) 3254 9100

Children and Youth

Child & Youth Mental Health Services
Mater CYMHS: (07) 3163 1917
Gold Coast CYMHS: (07) 5667 1714
North West CYMHS: (07) 3335 8888
Nundah CYMHS: (07) 3146 2594
Yeronga CYMHS: (07) 3848 8011
Inala CYMHS: (07) 3372 557
Greenslopes CYMHS: (07) 3397 9077
(07) 3727 5000
Reach Out
Youth beyondblue

NSWNew South Wales

The Butterfly Foundation
Butterfly Foundation for eating disorders offers a multitude of services and programs that provide support, treatment, prevention, early intervention, education and training.  They provide support groups, recovery programs, treatment programs, and community education. Butterfly operates a National Helpline that includes support over the phone, via email and online. The Helpline is staffed by trained counsellors experienced in assisting with eating disorders and body image issues.

National Helpline: 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673)
[email protected]

Sydney Office:
Phone: (02) 9412 4499
Fax: (02) 8456 3951
Address: 103 Alexander Street, CrowsNest NSW 2065

Melbourne Office:
Phone: (03) 9822 5771
Address: 1430 Malvern Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146

Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders (CEDD)
[email protected]
(02) 8587 0200
Body Matters
(02) 9908 3833


Eating Disorders Victoria
[email protected]
1300 550 236
Level 2, Collingwood Football Club Community Centre,
cnr Lulie and Abbot Streets, Abbotsford, Vic 3067
Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders
[email protected]
(03) 8387 2669
Recovery is Possible for Everyone (RIPE)
[email protected]
Melbourne Weight Management & Eating Behaviour Clinic
(03) 9529 6099

ACTAustralian Capital Territory

ACT Eating Disorders Program
Women’s Centre for Health Matters
[email protected]
(02) 6290 2166
(02) 6286 2043

WAWestern Australia

Women’s Health
[email protected]
(08) 9300 1566
Eating Disorders Centre
(08) 9335 1440
Women’s Health Works – Support Group
[email protected]
(08) 9300 1566
Bridges Association Incorporated (Bridges)


Tasmania Recovery From Eating Disorders (TRED)
[email protected]
0417 143 084
Women’s Health Info-Line – Community Nutrition Unit
[email protected]
1800 675 028
(03) 6222 7222

NTNorthern Territory

Team Health – (Top End Association for Mental Health)
Darwin – (08) 8943 9600
Alice Springs – (08) 8953 4193
Katherine – (08) 8971 3344

SASouth Australia

Eating Disorders Association of South Australia (EDASA)
[email protected]
(08) 8212 3988
199 Sturt Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
Centacare: PACE
(08) 8159 1400

NZNew Zealand

Eating Disorder Association of New Zealand (EDANZ)
(09) 5222 679
Eating Disorder Services (New Zealand)


If you are aware of others that I have not yet included, please fill in their details and a link to their website below for me to review and include.
